
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

When It Rains

Got another form rejection with no explaination. Yep, this was the story I had the great feeling about when I turned it in 2 months ago. According to my crit partners, the story's tight, concise, good character and story developement, full of depth and emotion, action-packed, and has a good HEA.

What the hell am I doing wrong???


Friday, February 24, 2006

Another Bummer

You know, it's really discouraging when you work and work for literally YEARS, take writing classes and workshops, listen to critique partners, and read about grammar and technique and writing tight and how to to refine your writing and create/edit/polish a story, then get shot down. I just don't get it. :-(

Neither did all except one of my GE judges. They mostly had opposing opinions, which doesn't help me any. They couldn't even agree of WHAT was wrong (?) with my entry. And by the strange comments, I wonder if one judge even read MY entry. Most of the suggestions I received had me scratching my head, because much of what it was already in the story. So . . . ??? I pride myself with paying attention to the entries I judge, and I expect the same consideration to my work. Unfortunately, this has happened before, and apparently my opinion about judging is in the minority. Makes me want to go on and on and on and yell bad words. (snort, snark!)

Oh well, I still have one story out there, and I had a great feeling about it when I submitted it to the publisher.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006


I'm taking this week-long workshop that "requires" the students to be on individual emails, rather than Yahoo's digests. I hate weeding out the lessons and comments, and worrying about missing something that ends up in my Bulk (junk) folder. I normally get about 100 emails a day to go through, which usually takes 1 to 1-1/2 hours. I think all SOB spammers should receive 10 junk emails for every one they send out.

I've managed to stay up with everything the past few days. So far, so good with the workshop, and I'm enjoying it. But it's taking *all* my time to do it.



The finalist were announced for the GE. I'm not one of them.


Monday, February 20, 2006

Still More Ice

I'm really enjoying this freak cold (thank you north winds from Canada!) Being borna and raised in Texas, this is a nice change for our usual wet and cold winters. It's hovered around 15-20 degrees F the past few days (great writing weather :-)), but it's supposed to jump up to the 40's by tomorrow. We'll see.


Sunday, February 19, 2006

More Ice

More came in last night, and we can't get out of the driveway. You know how difficult it is to make an ice angel? Snow's so much easier. This week sometime the GE scores will be announced. I'm excited and hopeful. :-)


Saturday, February 18, 2006

Lazy Days

My local writing chapter canceled this morning's meeting because of the bad weather. Everything is covered in ice outside, and there hasn't been a car in sight since last night. I'm surely not going anywhere soon, but can't even have a descent fire in the fireplace because there's still a burn-ban in place due to lack of rain. Maybe I'll curl up with a cup of hot Mocca-coffee and get some writing done.


Friday, February 17, 2006


One of the entries I judged for the Wallflower contest finalled! :-) It's great to see good writing advance to the next level.



Wow, we've got cold and ice, and it's supposed to get worse. Not a usual occurance for Texas. I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts. ;-)


Monday, February 13, 2006

Expecting and Waiting

I turned in all my judging scores for the GE contest. I also entered my work (the updated version :-)) in a different category, and now I get to wait for the results.


Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Uping the date . . .

Trying again to update my website. Seems like every time, there's always something else toget in the way. But today I'm working on it. Really. ;-)
